Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel totally mental? Well, today is my mental day. There are a number of things I would like to blame for my mental moment. Super Will has suggested several times that I could be mental-pausal? Now wait one cotton-picken minute, I'm way too young to be mental-pausal. Mental yes, pausal noooo. Could have been something I ate? Though I don't think a plain cranberry bagel is going to effect my mood to any extreme. I'm halfway thinking that it could be the rise in the barometric pressure. After all, rain is rare and scarce in Phoenix. But when it does rain, and rain good, we get the old flash flood. Not to be confused with any other type of flash, like a flash of lighting or a hot flash. Along with the flash flood, we have an abundance of motorists that think their Prius is part boat. I realize a Prius is light and fuel efficient, but it isn't made to drive through 4+ feet deep water filled washes. Helloooo, Mr. Green Jeans, you don't own a Toyota Dingy, it's a Prius. Big difference. Sorry about that, didn't mean to get side tracked from the original subject. Ok, so this mental thing was hanging on and on, so I decided to do what every intelligent woman would do when they have mental issues. I ate Chocolate baby! The spring in my step is back. I now have a big chocolate eating grin on my face and I'm actually being pleasant to co-workers. Gone is the grumbling, the stink eye stare downs and the stomping off like a 5 year old kid with their lip out and arms crossed over their chest. Chocolate must be magic. Chocolate must be the food of the Gods. Chocolate soothes the savage beasty mood. So good bye Rambo attack kitty. In the great words of Arnold, "I'll Be Back"
I used to live in Albuquerque and every Spring, with the melting of the snow on the Sandia Mountains, arroyos all over the city would rapidly fill with rushing water. And every year a dozen cars or so would be quickly washed away! Some people never learn!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go and get some milk chocolate chips my wife thinks she has hidden...maybe I'll turn into the Pillsbury Dough Boy!
Oh my goodness, these wash crossers are every where. There are times when a bag chocolate chips have been a life saver. I always keep a bag on hand myself. :)