For anyone that really really knows me, they know that, me skipping the gym on my lunch hour and going out to lunch is a big deal. I am a faithful lunch-time gym attender. Today, I went to lunch with two of my favorite best-ez. I've learned from my 16 year old daughter, that it's no longer politically correct to call your friends "girlfriends" because that could imply something else? Ooooh ok. Well anyone older then 30 knows that girlfriends mean pals. One of my "friends" came up with the bright idea to take the light-rail tram system down town. Oh wait, that was me. Let's move on, quickly. The light-rail really isn't a bad deal. It has stops every half mile or so and is air conditioned. Only problem is, It's 110 out today! There are no air conditioned platforms while you wait. Arizona is the like a fiery inferno of H.E. double hockey sticks. Being outside for more then a minute is like standing next to the mouth of a volcano! If you stand too long, your shoes will melt to the platform and then you will miss your tram. While we are at it, add a massive amount of car exhaust and a few ripe hobos (I'm showing my age, I know), and you have the make'n of a light-rail par-teeeee! Call me drama queen. The lunch was nice and the conversation even better. I ordered the Jerk Shrimp salad. I think they call it "jerk" because of your reaction after you take a bite and the jerk spice burns your mouth, nostrils, eyes, etc. Did I mention that I ate my entire salad in record time. Shout out to the little restaurant called Bread Fruit. Very yummy. After my (ssshhhh) extended lunch with my buddies, we all made our way back to work. I figured I'd make the ride back to the office more exciting by trying to slip the light rail authority $5 bucks to frisk my "comrade" But they said with the recession, they charge $20. Geez, what is up with that? Can't even get the a state run agency to frisk for $5. I'm Kidding! I really only offered them $2. Happy Wednesday.
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