This is my Mental bucket. As you can see, my mental bucket a.k.a. "MB" has a yellow shovel. I use my shovel to put many things into my MB. Sometimes I shovel crap-o-la, which you can ask Will, I'm really good at. Sometimes I shovel a pile of mental notes into my MB, which I will end up forgetting and have to eventually write them down on paper or send myself an email reminder. Though mental notes made about a spousal unit are put into the long term mental bucket, because we women won't let them forget any slight or mishap. That's our job. Let me pull a little example out of my MB that would be a long term note. Um, hey honey remember the time you made a bathroom reference stating I was taking a bus load of kids to the pool? Which my mental bucket spit out the translation of, "What? you think my butt is as big as a bus?" Ok, so I twisted his words around a wee bit just for the sick satisfaction of watching him squirm, back-track and try to rephrase the sentence. Oh the shear joy of tormenting! My MB can also struggle with the fact that my teen-age daughter, is growing up so darn fast and I really miss just chill'n with her. But I've also learned to cherish the moments when she acts like she still likes me. Which last for about 10 seconds, and then I'm back to being an annoying pain in the teenage butt. I have to be honest, at times I do enjoy razzing her. Sometimes my MB goes haywire. My shovel starts acting like a back-hoe and my MB over-flows with chocolate. MMmmmm Chocolate. That's when my MB is filled with Pre-mental Sand. There is one thing my bucket is never lacking. That is love! Even when my bucket it teetering and threatening to spill, there is always an abundance of wonderful people in my life. So shout out to the wonderful people and don't forget to add more chocolate. Monday Rocks!
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