It's here! The Adobe Mtn. fall meet (Oct. 16-18). Ever since I can remember my awesomely cool dad has been into trains. Back in the day, in our basement in Indiana, my dad had set up a really cool H.O. train "play room." My brother and I got to hang out there while my dad played. Yes, the train play room was more for my dad, but he didn't mind sharing with us too. There were tiny mountains, bridges, over-passes, under-passes, towns and little mini-everything. It was such a cool place and a great hobby to keep my dad out of my mom's hair, for the most part. Well now, ump-teen years later, my dad is still into trains. Except now the mountains are real and there is no basement. Because trains of this size wouldn't fit into a basement anyway. My dad, mom and family are members of the Maricopa Live Steamers. This is mostly made up of a group of mature adults, a sprinkling not as mature adults and a few kids too. These train enthusiast spend most of their weekends tinkering with their trains, which can cost a small fortune I might add. They also spend most of their weekends expanding the track, fixing the track and adding fun little touches along the routes. There is a great sense of family and fun when attending their events. Maricopa Live Steamers is a not-for-profit organization. They offer train rides to the public on weekends between Labor Day and Memorial Day, for an optional donation. You get a cool button if you toss a couple of bucks into their donation can. All proceeds are put right back into the train park. Plus they have a really cool train traffic coordinating system for their miles of track. Red light, green light.... Oh the boys and their toys. If you get the chance, please check out their website. Happy Riding. Choooo Choooo
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