So why is it that after you eat Chinese food, you are hungry an hour later? I'm sitting here thinking about the left-over box of shrimp with veggies setting in work fridge right now. Anyone touches it and they will lose digits! Actually, I'm obsessing about the magic veggie box. I watching the clock, counting the minutes when I will be hungry enough to grab up the box of prawns and veggie joy. But I'm still not hungry. Dang it! I could do what I've been to known to do in the past and eat it anyway. Then complain to every co-worker within ear-shot that "I can't believe I ate the whole thing." Isn't funny that after leaving an Asian restaurant, the patrons start trying imitate the Asian server? Awe! Chop Chop, etc. I can't remember a time when I walked out of a Mexican restaurant trying to talk like a Mexican server? "It's cold out here, I need my Yacket" Just not the same funny zing. But then I leave a Mexican restaurant so darn full, I normally can't speak for fear I might reflux my beans & rice. Gosh, what would you say if you left a German restaurant? Talk about the waiter's wiernerschnitzel?
Ok, so my food is still in the fridge and I'm mentally fighting with all my might to keep it there until breakfast time tomorrow morning. Hey, breakfast is what you eat, right? And right now I want breakfast to be shrimp, rice & veggies. In my next blog, I will let you know if I held out or if I tore up the cute little box of Asian sunshine before the day is out. I think I can, I think I can.....
To be continued......