Did I happen to mention that Friday is one of my favorite days of the week? There are lots of good things happening on Friday. It's the day when most businesses let their employees wear jeans for the 'ol designated casual day. Most people get paid on Friday (um, not me) and it's the day that kicks off the weekend. Friday is the "meet your friends at the restaurant/bar night, drink until your clothes fall off and kick yourself for ruining your entire weekend night." Friday night you know you are going to need that ultimate medicinal greasy hamburger hang-over cure the next day. I'm kidding. Those days of "one too many" are a thing of the past. I'm getting older now and it takes me a week to recover, when it used to take me a few days. Plus I don't want my 15 seconds of fame to come from a You-tube video clip. Bring on the weekend! Speaking of the weekend, tomorrow I will be golfing at The Phoenician and trying out my new Tour Edge hybrid. Watch out cactus, small desert creature and beer cart gal. Hopefully my golf ball will be the only thing flying and not the four-banger words, like FORE, DUCK or OUCH (that had to hurt). Maybe on Monday, I will have an impressive golf story, like how the fire department had to rescue a stranded golfer trying to get her ball from the side of a mountain. Maybe the fire department will be called out, because I tried to mow down a jumping cactus with the golf cart? Definitely a sticky/prickly sit-gee-ation. I can't help it if the darn accelerated tends to stick. Just ask Will. At one point he was a potential target when I decided to try and drive the golf cart with my left foot. He almost had to do a Starski and Hutch hood slide over the top of the golf cart. I learned a valuable lesson that day. My left foot and an acceleraters don't mix. Sorry baby! Fingers crossed I don't hurt anyone golfing on Saturday. Everyone have a great safe weekend! Be thankful every day you get to see another sunrise! Drink responsibly and stay thirsty my friends!
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