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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dad's Gone Wild With Hair Extensions

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Dedicated to Ma and Pa

It's been 4-ever since I've blogged! Guess I got a little carried away with the holidays and all the wedding plans. That happens with me sometimes, I get side-tracked. But guess what, I'm baaaack. This blog is dedicated to Ma and Pa. This is a picture of my very patient, very tolerate and very loving parents. Now looking at them, they don't look too overly abused or shell-shocked from raising 3.5 kids. Though I heard through the family grape-vine that they have some great coping drugs. I'm kidding. With every family get together, I normally get to re-live the first year of my driving antics. I sort of had this nick name, Crash. Though I never hurt anyone or damaged any property other then my parents property. The story is like one of those fish stories, but instead of the fish getting bigger and bigger, it's a small brick mailbox stand that keeps getting wider, taller and is now like the size of a small building that I supposedly took out one day. At this rate, the small brick stand is going to end up the size of a house. Yep, I took out a house in one fail swoop and a sharp turn of the blazing blue Chevy 4-door Malibu with super-car abilities. It almost sounds like I was driving Malibu-a-saurus. Anyway, after I violated the small brick pillar, my younger brother decided it would be a great time for me to take a fall and tell on me. It was pretty obvious that I hit the darn thing. First clue, bricks scattered and shattered and second clue, the huge dent in the side of the Malibu-a-nater. I'm sure I was crying and terrified that my dad would ground me for life. But instead he made sure I was ok, kind of shook his head as he inspected the damage, shrugged his shoulders in defeat and went back to his TV show. Guess all along, he really wanted that brick pillar gone. He just didn't want it done with the Malibu. Hey, my nick name wasn't Susan, one woman wrecking crew for nothing. Now, I think my mom responded by laughing hysterically and handing me a broom to clean up the mess, while my brother practiced his bonding skills on the car. The blazing blue car, turned into a gray and blue patch-work jalopy. I'd like to think the gray bondo gave it character. To this day, my dad on occasion shakes his head and shrugs at my antics and my mom laughs. Knock on wood, but they moved and have new concrete pillars in their front yard and I am driving a blue car again. Except, I have a feeling I will be sweeping up car parts and not bricks this time.
Thanks for read!
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