Lucky for us, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And I be-holding my new husband by the left butt cheek in this picture. I can't vouch for Bevy Jo. I'm not sure where her hands are, but they aren't on my backside. darn. I'm kidding.
Here are a few places where you won't see us:
At the post office on a wanted poster
At The Rainbow, an Alternative Lifestyle Bar
At a Polka Dance off
At a South Phoenix Truck Stop washing big rigs
Bungee Jumping from I-10 Stack
Skate Boarding down South Mountain
Hitch hiking near Tent City or Perryville Prison
Handcuffing ourselves to a cractus (cactus), (Stick around)
At a Chinese Buffet for 4 hours
Watching a Julie Andrews Movie marathon
To be continued.